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Why Learn Spanish and How to Reach C1 Level?

Learn Spanish
Learn Spanish from Experts

Why learn Spanish?

  • 450+ million people speak Spanish, the second most commonly spoken language worldwide after Chinese.
  • Spanish is the official language of 21 countries, including nations in Central & South America, Europe, and Africa.
  • Spanish is the world’s second most spoken language, so speaking it along with English & Chinese gives you the ability to do business almost anywhere in the world.
  • Have a unique advantage in the United States to access the Latino market by learning Spanish; the USA is home to over 40 million Spanish speakers.
  • Spanish is one of five romance languages, with linguistic similarities, learning another language like French or Portuguese will be easier.
  • Learn about Latin culture and gain a new perspective of the world and life.
  • Enjoy the Latin world’s diverse musical and theatrical entertainment industry, with top-selling movies and music from across the Hispanic world.

How to Reach C1 level in Spanish?

Based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), Helppo expects students would advance in the following way with a professional Spanish language tutor (on average, every student's needs are different):
  • A1-A2: 40 hours of private classes.
  • B1-B2: 60 hours of private classes.
  • C1 and beyond: 20+ hours of private classes.
For Intermediate level students and beyond

If a student has already been learning Spanish, our experienced tutors will evaluate their skills and determine at what level to review and advance.

If a student has already been learning Spanish, our experienced tutors will evaluate their skills and determine at what level to review and advance. Lessons will include a mix of grammar, key phrases & vocabulary, reading & writing, and conversation practice.

Students at Helppo can benefit from practicing their Spanish skills with bilingual tutors (English & Spanish) based in Latin America or Spain.

Elementary & high school students can also get support with their Spanish homework and our teachers can adapt their curriculum to meet the student’s academic needs.

Take a Free 30 Minute Spanish Trial Lesson with one of our Awesome Helppo Tutors! What do you need to do?


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